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Quick and Easy Shawl Clasp

January 5, 2025

I haven't used this shawl because it wasn't long enough to stay securely on my shoulders, and I couldn't find a shawl pin that I liked. I had been looking for one that wouldn't poke into my skin every time I moved. So, I searched through my stash for a button with a large shank, and within a few minutes had a way to secure this over my shoulders.

A silver button secured among the stitches of a light blue knitted shawl.

It was easy to do - 

Where are the Dolls?

April 18, 2023

Where are the dolls, Tamdoll? 

UPDATE 3/23/2024: Check out the newest page added to this website - Tamdoll's Dolls


I started this blog to share my dollmaking, but over the years I shared more and more of other crafts, and somehow the dolls took a back-burner on this forum. (Go ahead, check out this doozy from 2006.)

Looking back, when it came to dolls I was either working on my original pattern making, or sewing other folks' designs... but for reasons that I can't recall now - I didn't post much about them here. It's time to fix this.


Once upon a time, I did have another site featuring my dolls, but the internet swallowed up that host—snapshots can be seen on the Internet Archive. So, the next series of posts will focus on sharing some of my doll making adventures. 


Why now? Well, it has been on my mind lately, but recently spurring me into real action is sadly, the failing health of a magical artist who I have admired since I was a teenager.


The Mystery of the Vintage Jewelry

February 13, 2022



Dozens of chains, 80+ earrings, oversized charms, quirky 70s & 80s motifs... I've uncovered all of these after storage in my family's closets for over 30 years. Definitely weird that there's so much of it, and I knew it was my grandmother's—but none had been worn!


I got my mother on the phone to tell me how I ended up with all this vintage costume jewelry, and she told me a story about my grandmother and pastries.


Knitting Projects - To Block or Not to Block

January 9, 2022

I only finished a handful of projects in 2021, blocked a few - but was asked by a fellow crafter whether it's really necessary. Take a look at this cowl & mittens -

Simply Bewitching

October 29, 2021

Sorted through my attic and found some dolls I'd almost forgotten about!

Staying Crafty with Mini Knits

October 25, 2020

A lot has been going on since my last post in January! There hasn't been too much crafting happening here during the COVID-19 pandemic & shutdown -- I cast on a number of knitting projects, sewed some masks, and finished one crochet cardigan -- but it's been hard to focus so not too much to share. One project I took on & finished was an entry for Anna Hrachovec's 2020 Mochimochi Photo + Video Contest & I won a Bonus award for "BEST BIRDS IN FLIGHT"! This was really uplifting and a great thing to experience in September.


If you're not familiar with Anna's Mochimochi Land you're missing out - check her out at https://mochimochiland.com.

When I saw the contest this summer, I decided that a tiny project would be a great motivation for me to start & finish something within a reasonable amount of time. I chose her Bluebirds of Crappiness pattern as inspiration and started knitting....   

Bluebirds of Crappiness Knit Birds

Eight birds later (one isn't pictured), I had to come up with a video theme! Of course I left this for the last minute so looking up at a decorative birdhouse on my wall, I came up with a plan for "The Great Escape".

How Long Does it Take to Finish a Project?

January 31, 2020

Wanting to start fresh for the new year, I'm cleaning up some buckets I've got stacked in my craft room. The first one to tackle - unfinished projects.

One by one I'll address whether each of these will be donated, finished, or the materials recycled into something new. Even though they're just craft projects, the mental weight of thinking of them off and on for so long is something I've got to let go of. I don't want these taking up space in my head anymore (let alone my craft room) - once these are gone, I'll definitely feel freer.
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